Saturday, June 2, 2012

We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story

Not really.  No dinosaurs in this post.

I brought my unread, unloved blog back from the dead?  Why?  Because I am so excited for something that I have to write about it, make it known.  The words must be typed to show how excited I am for this specific thing.  What is that thing?

My Little Pony Con 2012 in Orlando Florida*.

Che, che, check it!

At first I was all "Oh, sweet.  A MLP Con and it's close to me!" and then it kept building and climbing until it has reached critical levels of excitement.  I've been kind of blah lately but this had stirred something inside of me.  I am, for lack of a better word, stoked.  Do people still say that?

On top of that they are selling a limited edition MLPFiM figure of Ditzy Doo (Derpy Hooves to those of you who prefer that name, I don't.)
LE MLPFiM PonyCon 2012 Derpy Hooves

Seriously.  I am so excited for this convention that I can hardly contain myself.

*It took me longer to do the rainbow colored text than it did to write this entire post.

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