Tuesday, June 5, 2012

E3 Day 2: Couch Coverage.

I haven't played my Wii in, probably, six months, but I do have games to play for it.  I take my 3DS everywhere with me and I get giddy like a school girl when I have a street pass - even though you people never have puzzles pieces for me.  I love Nintendo but the Wii was, kinda... I enjoyed it when I played it and I do have a pile of games to play (and buy) but it is far from my favorite system.  But I do love Nintendo.

Many people seemed disappointed with Nintendo's Wii U presentation today but I was really excited and impressed by it.  I really hope Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition comes with the stuff in the Game of the Year edition, because I'll just wait for that version.  Mass Effect 3 is exciting for Wii U, though I wouldn't buy that since all my data is on my 360.  I wouldn't buy it for PS3, either, though.  I... I should probably play that game, since I got the collector's edition when it came out - and didn't have the money to spend at the time.

I know people who aren't huge fans of platformers probably look at Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Mario Bros. 2 3DS and think "Same damn game!" but I can see that they are pretty different.  I am excited for both.  The Wii U pad control looks like fun... and Collin is not alowed to be in control of that.  For anyone reading this but unaware (who would that be?  I'm guessing Kat and maybe Jerry read this) the Wii U pad lets a player place blocks in the game to help, or hinder, the player.  Can't make a jump?  Place a block to cover it.  CAN make a jump?  Place a block to knock them in.

ZombiU looks exciting, even if it is another zombie game.  I'll get it.

Nintendo Land looks like a lot of fun, like Wii Sports was.  It will be really enjoyable for about a month or so, but lose it's luster after a bit.  It has an Animal Crossing world so I have to have it, even if it means a separate purchase, which I doubt it will for America and Europe.  Did you know Wii Sports wasn't packaged with Japanese Wiis?  They had to buy it separate.  One interesting thing I (and I'm sure others) noticed about Nintendo Land?  One of the icons for game worlds looks A LOT like Jack Frost from SMT.  I'm not saying it's Jack Brothers but... who knows?  Would be a sorta strange thing to add but I really can't think of a Nintendo property that also resembles Jack Frost.  I've probably just been playing too much Persona.

Nintendo also announced that you will be able to transfer all your saves and downloads, all of it, from the Wii to the Wii U.  I mean, I never thought they wouldn't but that is a nice addition.

Okay, I'm done.

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